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Monday, February 18, 2013

The Prospects For A New American Civil War: Are They Realistic

In the past few years, the citizens of the United States of America have witnessed a plethora of mass shootings. These tragic events have refurbished the gun-control/second amendment debate. And in response,  many Americans, concerned with having their guns taken away have entertained the possibility of a civil war, if ever the government should move to confiscate the firearms of disgruntled citizens concerned with the state of their civil liberties. Anyone who pays attention to this topic in America, knows the arguments made for and against the "right to bear arms."

While some may say that gun confiscation may lead to a civil war, I would argue that civil war will be what will lead to gun confiscations. The prospect of a gun confiscation by federal and state government agencies is very much possible. Take this article for example: Shortly after the devastating impact of the storm Hurricane Katrina,  residents of New Orleans, Louisiana, had their firearms confiscated (even registered gun owners) before attempted forced evacuations could take place. In order for their weapons to be confiscated justifiably, New Orleans had to be in a declared state of emergency. This is very important to understand.

This nation known as the United States of America, I believe is on the verge of civil war. And I think the prospects for it are very realistic.

American militarism has has sucked the oxygen out of the room, appropriating for itself most of the available funds necessary for state development. Consequently, social insurance policies like medicaid/medicare, social security, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and other numerous benefits paid for by tax payers are being contemplated to sequestration. At a time that Americans are suffering from rising poverty, systemic attack on their economic rights and having to scale back their standard and subsequently expectations of living even further, the U.S government is threatening in an irresponsible pantomime of fear-mongering to cut these services and let them "wither on the vine."

What does this mean? Well, More that 47 percent of Americans are on food stamps. Many if not most of our senior citizens benefit from one or other type of government program that helps make sure their life savings and that of their family aren't cut into significantly (in terms of care). America has a real unemployment rate ranging between 14 percent and 25 percent, depending on your source; and to alleviate much of the stress of being jobless and unable to provide for your family, comes unemployment insurance. There are many other programs, like WIC, Headstart, and so on.

If the U.S government in fact proceeds with this agenda of austerity that has been peddled by both the left and the right, many will die. When people are deprived of the necessary resources they require to live and thrive, they can change in a heartbeat. And with the economic condition that the U.S finds itself in, this will lead to mass unrest...a potential humanitarian crisis.

Where Civil War and Subsequently Gun Confiscation Comes In
As citizens become shocked and angry at what's just happened to them, many will flood to the streets to look for other means and ways to fend for themselves...they have families to feed, a home to stay in, and bills to pay. As reputed Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente once said, "When the money stops flowing to the man in the street, blood starts flowing in the streets." As mass unrest comes, martial law, the attempt by governments to stabilize the decaying situation--with force (and in some cases brutality), will commence. No clever general rushes into the front and leaves their rear unguarded. As troops eventually wade through areas most afflicted by these events (especially poor urban neighborhoods), just like in New Orleans an operation for gun confiscation will be conceived. The U.S government has even been conducting urban drills that echo preparation for civil unrest, and has even proceeded to purchase 1.3 billion rounds (and counting) of ammunition. What's all this for?

As citizens become more tireless and worried about the fragile state of their livelihoods due to austerity, the last thing they want to see is a force imposing its will on them. Many will not be willing to give up their guns or to even comply with authority; this could lead to disaster. Some, seeing the police/military force as their antagonizer may be willing to fire at them, if they in fact have guns. There could most likely be civil brawls between law enforcement and citizens that ends in a lot of bloodshed and the damaging of businesses, helping to make the economic situation even worse. This could lead down a very dark road.

In Conclusion
It is important to assert that many of the gun-crazy proponents of an entirely liberal second amendment do not give a hoot and a howl about the economic state of other fellow citizens; this in turn is a failure in of itself. Because it is the economic condition of a state that in part allows governments to take advantage of things like gun confiscations. From my assessment, a civil war is very much real. Most often, if not all the time, it has deep economic roots.

Guns are not the best way to fight tyrannical or fascist governments. And in turn prognosticating of doom and gloom from tyranny, with such avidity perhaps shows the subconscious eagerness of many gunners to see what they have been stating all along manifest itself (in their wait for a pitiful I-told-you-so golden moment).

In order to prevent a high probable civil war, austerity must be rejected, and long term solutions, brought to debate by the American body polity, must be stressed hard enough to the point where they cannot be ignored even by the corrupt lawmakers and executives. In a country so divided and bitter, I don't see this happening anytime soon.

What do you think? Do agree or disagree? What's your take?