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Sunday, May 19, 2013

An Untold Story in Syria?

There could be an unconventional rising intelligence campaign that is helping Assad's Syrian military make the significant gains it is making right now, leaving the terrorists in tremendous disarray. It's important to note that once the terrorists in Syria capture a town, their rule is so medieval, so incompetent, and so oppressive, that the locals they attempt to subjugate rapidly reject them.

Why is this important to note? Because of the swift advances by the Syrian troops in retaking the towns. This may indicate that the Syrian Army is receiving cooperation from locals in towns they are re-capturing, which could quite possibly explain why the Syrian military moves through neighborhoods to decimate terrorists cells with efficiency, causing them heavy losses.Perhaps the people of Syria are helping the Army locate the exact position of terrorist gatherings in the towns they capture. 

One of the primary principles of war, according to Suz Tzu, is the moral support of the sovereign ruler. In other words, if the people do not support the ruler, he is doomed to forfeit his ultimate victory. This could help explain why the Syrian army is making huge gains against the terrorist factions, among many factors. 

Who knows?


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